Go for the Glam
It’s party time — the next six weeks for many of us are filled with galas and holiday events. With all these events coming up, it’s time to think about putting together a glamourous look from head to toe, including your eyes.
Your eyes are one of the first things people notice - make them stand out:
Beautiful lush thick lashes are a must have accessory to make your eyes pop. As we age, eyelashes also change, along with our skin. Starting in our 20s and 30s, lashes may become shorter, thinner and lighter.
Eyelash miracle
Perfect for the upcoming holiday season, LATISSE is a once-a-day treatment to be applied topically to the base of paper lashes. It’s available only through a physician or at a medical spa.
Your eyelashes will appear longer in as little as four weeks, with full growth achieved by 16 weeks.
The finishing touches
Make the most of your longer lashes by adding a thicker lash-line with an eyeliner pencil. Lift the area under the brow upwards and outwards, then close your eye to expose the lash line. With short, small etching strokes, push the eye pencil in between lashes at the root — don’t draw a continuous line. Instead of harsh looking black eyeliner, try a shade in espresso or dark grey. If you have dark circles under your eyes, don’t use liner on your lower lash line as it will emphasize the circles.
Finish the look off with an instant wide awake look. Apply a light cream shadow or highlighter on the inner corner of the eye. If needed, apply concealer under the eyes after eyeshadow and mascara.