JUVÉDERM® Lip Enhancement In Calgary
There are many reasons why people consider lip enhancement. We may have been born with lips that are not as full and appealing as we’d like. Our hair and complexion may be beautiful and glowing, but thin lips detract from the rest of our appearance. Or, time may be taking a toll on our looks. As we age, our lips become thinner and lose their youthful appearance. Naturally occurring substances that contribute to beautiful skin such as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid decrease in our bodies as we get older. Skin is exposed to environmental factors such as the sun’s rays, smoking and stress.
Even at a relatively young age, thinner lips can make you look older or stressed. Also, as we get older, the lips are particularly vulnerable to aging as they have an extremely thin outer layer. This layer becomes progressively thinner as the body ages. You may see the corners of your mouth droop, as if you are frequently frowning. The V-shape in the upper lip (known as the Cupid’s bow) begins to flatten out. Vertical lines appear that cause lipstick to bleed.
All of this contributes to the look of thinner, older lips. Over time, the corners of the mouth may droop, as if you were frowning. The V-shaped area of the upper lip known as the Cupid's bow begins to flatten out, contributing to the thinning lips. Your lips lose their youthful fullness. Vertical lip lines that can cause lipstick bleed may also begin to appear.
Use JUVÉDERM® to Rejuvenate or Enhance Your Lips
JUVÉDERM® is designed for reduced swelling and to restore lip volume for a natural look and feel. The results are immediate and long-lasting. At Britannia Dermedics, we offer both JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® and JUVEDERM ULTRA PLUS®. JUVÉDERM® VOLBELLA® is the only HA facial filler clinically proven to last up to 12 months in the lips with a single treatment. Discuss what type of treatment is the right one for you during our free consultation. With the addition of a mild anesthetic, lidocaine, there is little discomfort during the procedure.
How does JUVÉDERM® work?
JUVÉDERM® is made from Hyaluronic Acid, a naturally occurring substance found in your body which helps to maintain volume and elasticity in the skin. HA is broken down by the body in one or two days and is constantly replaced. As we age, this replacement mechanism slows down so the moisturizing and plumping effects of HA decrease. This is why HA is used in some aesthetic treatments to help restore lost hydration and improve the skin's volume and texture.
Britannia Dermedics clients use JUVÉDERM® for:
Fuller, more youthful look lips
Collagen production
Elastin production
Fine lines and wrinkles
Skin rejuvenation
Lip Enhancement Benefits:
A non-surgical alternative to fuller lips
Lip injections & fillers can be done on your lunch hour
No downtime
Take the first step to enhancing your looks today.
Call us at 403.984.4313 or BOOK ONLINE
Complimentary Consultation
To schedule a complimentary consultation, please book online with link above, call us at: 403.984.4313 or fill out the form below.