Great Lips Forever
There are many different venues for you to get your fullest, brightest, and healthiest lips ever. Restylane and Juvederm are safe and successful treatments to consider if you’re interested in improving the size or shape of your lips. Treatments are a great way to effectively improve your lips, especially paired with every day care. Here are tips to keeping your lips looking their best each day: whether it’s summer, winter, this year, or in twenty years.
Use Sunscreen
This is a tried and true rule for keeping your skin healthy that will be repeated ad-nauseam. Remember: collagen is broken down by harmful UV rays–and a medical grade sunscreen–especially one designed to lock-in moisture in your lips—is your best defense against losing collagen and volume in your lips.
Take Cover
Winter is coming up—unfortunately. Try to protect your lips with a scarf from the drying effects of wind; you’ll be glad you did come spring.
Drink Up
Keep hydrated with your eight glasses a day to stop your skin from drying out. Dehydration shows in the lips, with cracking from the tension of being dried out. Water is one of the easiest and best ways to keep your skin at its healthiest, and your body needs it to keep producing healthy cells that give your lips their bright, voluminous, and healthy structure.
Look for Vitamins
What you eat produces dramatic effects, and your lips rely on a vitamin rich diet to be at their healthiest. Look for Vitamins B and E in your food and drink to improve lip health.
Professional Consultation
Professionals can help you assess what exactly it is that you are looking for from your lips: whether it’s reshaping, volume, or overall improved health. Search out what’s right for you by learning about medical grade lip plumpers, sunscreens and effective treatments such as Restylane and Juvederm.