Water + Your Skin
Your skin, like any other part of the body, is made up of cells. Without water, none of your cell will function properly.
For overall good heath, you need to consume an adequate amount of water every day. Why? Water helps digestion, circulation, absorption and even excretion.
Is it important to drink large amounts of water for the health of your skin? There are two schools of thought – one, drinking water leaves you with a radiant and healthy younger- looking complexion, and two, others say it has little impact or no effect on your skin’s appearance.
We believe your skin benefits from being properly hydrated. Without water, a lack of hydration will mean your skin becomes dry, flaky and tight feeling. Dry skin has little resilience, meaning it is more prone to wrinkling. Not everyone will agree that water consumption will improve skin… but then again, it can’t hurt.
How can you hydrate your skin?
Immediately after a shower or bath, apply a hydrating moisturizer, while the skin is still porous, allowing for better absorption.
Before applying moisturizer, apply a product with hyaluronic acid.
Drink a great deal more water - at least eight glasses a day, if not more. This will help rid your body and skin of toxins.
Nothing will happen overnight, but two or three weeks of increasing water intake should be enough to see how hydration affects your skin.