Keep Your Makeup–and Your Skin–Clean
Taking care of your makeup isn’t just for product longevity. You do everything for your skin, but by cleaning applicators and makeup you’re adding a simple and quick way to help your skin be at its healthiest.
Makeup Brushes
There are a few things you can do for makeup brushes. Find an inexpensive antibacterial (high quality, organic is best) spray to apply to your brushes every day. All this requires is a quick spritz on the bristles to stop the build up of bacteria.
Another fix is to give your brushes a regular, weekly ‘deep clean’.
- Add a small drop of (hypoallergenic or “sensitive”) shampoo to warm water, and swirl the bristles in the water, without submerging the handle, especially the bristle glue
- Swirl the brush in your palm to create a cleansing lather.
- In warm water, rinse the bristles until the water runs clean
- Dry flat on a towel for a few hours. Don’t dry standing up, as the bristle glue at the end of the handle can be affected by this wetness.
Eye Shadow
Cleaning your eye shadow is quick and easy. Wipe each shadow with a tissue to remove the top layer of powder and any debris that may be hiding unseen. Spritz each shadow with a small amount of rubbing alcohol: make it easier to use by putting into a small spray bottle. This will dry and not affect the quality of your eye shadows.
Cleaning your lipstick uses the same principle as your eye shadows, or truly any of your powdered makeup. Lightly wipe the top layer of your lipstick just enough as if to give it a ‘shine’, rather than remove a substantial amount of lipstick. Dip the lipstick in rubbing alcohol for a proper clean, or give the same spritz as your eye shadow to the exterior of your lipstick. Dab the alcohol off and allow it to dry. The quality of your lipstick won’t be affected, except that clean makeup lasts longer!
Cleaning your makeup is easy on the bank, and your skin. Not only will your makeup last longer, but also you’ll also protect your skin from bacteria that builds up in makeup. You already take good care by protecting your skin in other ways, don’t let makeup get in the way when the fix is easy.