What a Soft Lift Can Do For You
Overtime, collagen deteriorates in the skin. This is normal, and no matter how many preventative measures we take—sunscreen or hydration, for example—some elasticity and volume will inevitably be lost as we age. There are many options to help improve the look and feel of skin. Enter the Soft Lift–a non-invasive, surgery-free combination of Juvederm and Botox that lifts and “plumps” your face in all the right areas for a gorgeous and natural rejuvenation.
Collagen breaks down, allowing for crow’s feet and sunken cheeks. The Soft Lift combination allows for desired youthful plumpness to return through Juvederm, and tired lines and wrinkles to tighten up with carefully placed Botox.
The combination of Juvederm and Botox gives the natural lift and improvement we crave from facial rejuvenation. This should be no surprise–Botox and Juverderm use organically derived substances to plump and tighten the skin: Hyaluronic acid in Juvederm activates collagen production and draws in hydration to give our skin the optimal “full” look. Botox freezes muscle activity in the face that forms and reveals wrinkles, and is effective and long lasting.
Neither Botox nor Juverderm are permanent, which is a great way to improve your face’s fullness without feeling committed to one plan. Non-surgical, non-invasive treatments are key to feeling comfortable improving your skin’s health, inside and out.
Great skin and confidence is just around the corner. Consider a carefully curated skin treatment to bring back youth that you and your skin deserve!