Prevent Wrinkles!
/Getting wrinkles is inevitable—it’s just how our skin works. As we grow older, the layer of fat below our epidermis naturally becomes thinner, making it less able to produce collagen, which is what gives our skin its plump elasticity. This change can’t be avoided, however, there are many ways to reduce the amount of wrinkles you will see.
Stop Smoking
Don’t smoke? Okay, excellent, move on to the next hot tip. If you are a smoker, however, consider quitting (if not for your health) for better skin. Smoking decreases elasticity in the skin, while also promoting wrinkles around the mouth from the repetitive action your mouth is making several times a day, week, month, and year.
Stop Drinking
If this is a terrifying idea, consider drinking less. Drinking in moderation will reduce the amount of times and the degree to which you wake up feeling horribly “dehydrated.” This dehydration shows itself in the skin by appearing less plump, and less able to produce that youthful, elastic quality. Dehydrated skin sees wrinkles appear more quickly because of lowered elasticity. Drinking also causes less restful sleep, and we need good rest to re-energize and rehydrate our bodies for the day.
Beauty Sleep
A good night’s sleep will actually improve the quality of your skin. Sleep is so very important to our health, and our skin’s health is no exception. Good sleep gives the body time to re-calibrate for the day. New skin cells need time to be produced and a lack of sleep causes blood vessels to dilate.
Stay out of the Sun
As always, wearing a light, non-oily day moisturizer with SPF is the first rule of youthful skin. The sun dehydrates and damages our skin. We do need vitamin D, but staying out of the direct light of the sun is a sure way to reduce the amount of wrinkles we will see as time goes on. Remember to put on sunscreen about twenty minutes before going into the sun, as it needs time to get ready to protect your beautiful skin. But don’t forget to get a moderate amount of sun to soak up that vitamin D. Everything in moderation….
Things to Add to your Diet
Consider removing super-salty foods from your diet, such as chips or large amounts of broth, which dehydrate you instantly. Eating lots of fruits and veggies give you antioxidants that benefit your skin by helping to prevent skin damage. Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts or fish, nourish your skin and promote plumpness.
Don’t Sweat It
Some wrinkles are going to be unavoidable; it’s just how our bodies work. Unwanted wrinkles can be corrected by a handful of non-painful, quick, and non-invasive treatments.