Skin Feeling Sensitive?
Why is your skin so sensitive? It could be genetic, or it could be environmental. We live in a dry climate, which exacerbates flaky and dry skin. Or it could be your diet – if you are not consuming enough water and vegetables to hydrate your skin, it could be prone to becoming more sensitive.
What can you do about it?
Clean Skin
Don’t wash your skin more than twice a day—it’s too much and your skin will become irritated. Always, always remove make-up at night. The best way to do this is gently, with as little tugging as possible. With sensitive skin, it is best to test a spot on an arm or hand first before trying it on your face.
Sun Avoidance
This goes for everyone, sensitive skin or not. Never leave home without light, non-oily sun protection on your face, neck and chest. This needs to be reapplied every three to four hours.
Night-time Moisturizing
A too heavy evening moisturizer may cause irritation. Also, avoid anything that is scented. Go with something that will provide moisture, but is still reasonably light.
Water, water and more water. The positive impact of water on your skin cannot be emphasized too often. Also, one thing many people don’t know is that vegetables are hydrating. Avoid salt as this contributes to dehydration.