Don’t Stress About It: Improving Skin Quality by Relaxing
/Relaxation is something worthwhile to bring into your skin care routine. Acne, hives, rashes may not always come from stress or anxiety, but worry can play a major role in declining skin quality. Here are some tips on how to relax to improve skin quality while improving your day-to-day.
In a way, it starts with hives. Stress, anxiety, or nervousness sends blood pumping at a high-rate through your body, often bursting from pressure, or showing up in sensitive and thin areas of your skin–hands, neck, chest, and face. Hives are irritated skin that can turn into pimples, or persistent acne.
Increased sweating dehydrates the skin and leaves it vulnerable to dryness, irritation, peeling, and a quicker road to wrinkles.
Wake up Right
Interestingly, one of the best things you can do for your skin is centering yourself–no creams necessary. Get up in the morning and start with 15-30 minutes of alone time–no phones or computers. Become aware of the room, and focus on breathing and stretching out your limbs. Giving yourself that extra time to be alone in the morning can help you think clearly throughout the day and dramatically reduce stress.
Sleep Right
Being calmer throughout the day will help you get that beauty sleep you need. A good, regular sleep is essential to your skin’s nightly reparations, building up a barrier and providing your skin with all the hydration and collagen it needs to be plump, healthy, and happy in the morning.
Think about it–30 minutes in the morning can improve a lifetime of skin.