Primers – The Pre-foundation
/Why a Primer?
Another layer of make-up on your skin? Will it clog your pores, irritate your skin, and promote oil production? Actually, the answer is no. The opposite is true: primers protect your skin by acting as a barrier between your cosmetics and your skin.
Here are a few reasons to consider a primer as part of your skin care routine:
Skin Protection
If you have sensitive skin, a medical grade primer protects your face from sun damage (causing dryness, aging, and redness) and creates a protective wall between makeup, sweat, and your face. A primer is best used when it contains sun protection and promotes an even layer upon which to apply the rest of your make-up.
Treat your Skin Routine Right
Use a medical grade primer in conjunction with the rest of your skin care routine to help moisturize, hydrate, and work with the vitamins that your night and morning moisturizer contain. By retaining moisture, you prevent oil from being produced as a reaction to dryness. A primer can help promote skin tone and texture that are more even in appearance.
Although it seems like just one more addition to your morning routine, primers can aid in a healthier complexion—they are not just for evening out your complexion or as a layer for your foundation to adhere to. They can also highlight areas of your face, and decrease the appearance of fine lines and redness.
Start your day out right for your skin with a medical grade primer!