Look great after a flight
/It’s the time of year when we do a lot of traveling. We’re visiting friends and family over the holidays or we’re escaping cold weather and heading off to somewhere warm and tropical.
How do you protect your skin while traveling?
Hydrate. The most important thing you can do is moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Just before you get on the plan, apply a rich moisturizing cream. Always stay hydrated by drinking lots of water before and during the flight. Avoid caffeine and sodas as they rob your skin of moisture.
Cosmetics. Keep your make-up to a minimum. Focus on lips, and cheeks as eye makeup can smear and flake. If you must, wear foundation but no powder as it can dry out your skin.
Finish right. Just before landing, apply some concealer under the eyes, and then touch up blush and lipstick.
Instant camouflage. If it’s been a long flight and you’re exhausted, wear sunglasses.