Keep Your Energy Up
Maintaining energy in the winter is a difficult task, especially if you are working long hours. There are many treatments to bring energy back to your skin. At the same time, help your skin maintain energy by being holistically supportive—sleep, routine, and diet are all important to bright skin and energy to take you from dawn to dusk.
Keeping hydrated is good for almost everything and should be a priority every day. Proper intake of water promotes good collagen production for dewy, radiant skin. Not only does water give your skin energy, but helps maintain blood volume levels, enabling oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to your cells at the best rate. This consistency helps you to wake up, stay awake longer, and feel more energized throughout the day. Energize inside and out by keeping a routine with your water intake.
Change Up Your Wake Up
A lot of us are reliant on coffee as a reason to get out of bed and stay out of bed. Taking the leap and quitting coffee can be a big move towards a more energetic life, believe it or not. Replace coffee with a lower caffeine beverage such as green tea to level out the “caffeine high” and maintain energy levels for longer throughout the day.
Best Energy Foods
Getting a good supply of nutrients throughout the day is a sure fire way to improve skin quality and boost energy. Here are some areas to check off:
- Go for complex carbs. These provide energy more slowly than simple carbs, providing nutrients for longer periods of time, without the “high highs” and “low lows.”
- Get more iron. Dark green vegetables are packed with iron, which is key to energy. Combine iron-filled greens with vitamin C (such as in bell peppers) to absorb the most you can from the vegetables.
- Limit refined sugar intake. A lot of alcohol or refined sugars (such as in candy and juice) taps out your energy resources and makes your body work harder to build it back up.
- Don’t cut out fats. Healthy fats (such as in avocados and salmon) are key for antioxidants to link to and start dispensing health benefits to your cells.
You don’t have to focus on your skin and your energy at different times. Find healthy patterns in your life by doing practices that are good for your whole body, inside and out.