More on IPL treatments

October is the perfect month to start a series of IPL treatments to reverse some of the damage your skin has accumulated over the past summer months. IPL procedures cannot be done if you have a tan or have recently spent time in the sun.
Used to lighten and remove sun spots, age spots, brown areas, and to reduce redness, rosacea, dilated and broken blood vessels on the face, neck and chest, IPL may also improve skin texture. The treatments can stimulate collagen production and may reduce pore size temporarily.
How does it work?
The IPL laser produces a range of light waves, which target melanin (which is the pigment that produces freckles and age spots). The melanin pigment is then absorbed into your body, making it less visible.
What happens after treatment?
If you are undergoing IPL treatment for freckles, sun and age spots, the spots will darken within a day or two and remain darker for 3-7 days. Slight crusting may occur, which can last up to 10 days. These spots or lesion will then begin to clear away and are usually gone within a few weeks. For best results, an average of 3-5 treatments is required.
For veins and broken blood vessels, your skin will appear slightly redder after the treatment for 2-5 days. It’s fine to use make-up immediately after the treatment, providing it is applied and removed gently. It is rare, but for some people, bruising may occur, which will usually disappear within 1-2 weeks.