Frustrated with Ingrown Hairs?
Whether you wax, shave, pluck, ingrown hairs can still happen. They’re frustrating, unsightly, and sometimes, painful. With spring here, and summer around the corner, here are some tips to help keep your legs and underarms in great shape and comfortable.
What causes ingrown hairs?
An ingrown hair occurs when a newly shaved, plucked, or waxed hair starts to grow - but back into the skin. This causes inflammation, irritation, and may result in a painful infection if untreated or treated improperly.
1. Don’t dry shave.
Lathering up with a skin-sensitive shaving cream, or at the very least, conditioner will make the hair less likely to be taut and pull back into the skin. The more malleable the hair, the less likely for it to be ingrown.
2. Shave with the grain.
You’ve been hearing this since you started shaving, and it is true. Many people shave against the grain because it gives a closer shave. While this is understandable (going straight against the hair cuts it off at the lowest point), it may mean ingrown hairs and irritation. The look and feel of shaven legs varies little between against or with-the-grain shaves, but its effect on the way the hair grows is significant.
3. Use a new, sharp blade frequently.
Using a sharp blade is essential to cutting the hair instead of tugging at it. This also promotes cleanliness, which keeps the growth clean.
4. Exfoliate.
Whether for shaving or waxing, exfoliate your skin frequently enough that it feels more smooth each time you do it, but not so much it becomes red or irritated. Removing layers of dead skin promotes good hair growth, as hairs are able to penetrate the skin more easily.
Laser Hair Removal
Consider Laser Hair Removal as an effective alternative option. Professional Laser Hair Removal is painless and permanent. All skin types can be accommodated by professional treatment. Laser hair removal provides a much better result than shaving or waxing plus, once the treatments are completed, the hair is gone permanently.