What Causes Cellulite?
There are some that claim toxins cause cellulite and that it can be reduced or eliminated by removing toxins, but this is a myth.
One of the culprits behind cellulite can be your genes. If your mother and grandmother had it, you may be prone to developing this skin condition.
What is Cellulite?
It’s not a medical problem. It’s simply fat that has accumulated below the skin. When the fat pushes against connective tissue, it appears bumpy and causes the skin to pucker.
What causes it?
Thin people can have cellulite. Just because you have it, doesn’t mean you are overweight, but if you are, losing that extra weight may help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. It’s more common among women that men.
Other factors that cause cellulite:
· Poor diet and fat dieting
· Slow metabolism
· Lack of exercise
· Hormonal changes
· Dehydration
· Total body fat
· Thickness and color of your skin
Cellulite is less noticeable on darker skin. If you have fair skin, apply a self-tanner before heading out in a bathing suit or shorts to minimize the appearance of cellulite.