Losing Weight vs. Losing Fat with SculpSure

There is a difference and your weight loss plan may need to be tweaked to take this into account.

Is losing weight a constant goal you’re working towards? Do you eat a well-balanced diet and workout more than the recommended daily amount but still don’t see the results you want? Are you losing weight but still have uncomfortable bulges you can’t seem to get rid of? You may find it surprising, but no matter how hard you work, there are stubborn fat cells you may never be able to get rid of on your own, regardless of diet and exercise. In fact, there is a difference between losing weight and losing fat.

As a teen, the number of fat cells in our body typically becomes a fixed number. Despite your best efforts, losing weight doesn’t decrease the number of fat cells in your body. That being said, gaining weight doesn’t increase fat cell numbers either. Instead, your fat cells change in size. When you gain weight, your fat cells get bigger, and when you lose weight they get smaller.

While losing weight can be seen on a scale, losing fat cells, may not show actual weight loss on the scale. Since fat is stored directly under the skin, when you lose it, you will notice it and look and feel leaner.

So, how does the body process fat? The fat you eat in food, goes through your digestive system and travels to the liver. Processed fat is what we use for energy, like walking, talking, etc. Fat we don’t use for energy, gets stored in our fat cells making them bigger.

So, how do we lose fat cells for good? SculpSure is a procedure that heats your fat cells to reduce the actual number of fat cells in the treated area. They simply die and never return. Those annoying fat bulges will be gone forever and you will be left with a more sculpted figure. However, the SculpSure treatment will NOT help you lose weight.

How can you maintain the new you after the treatment? SculpSure is not a diet and exercise program, so you won’t need to change any of your lifestyle habits. However, many patients will feel more motivated to take care of themselves after a treatment and this will only enhance the results. Many people, after seeing the results from the treatment, will feel more motivated to stay close to their ideal weight. However, if you do gain weight, you will gain it evenly all over your body, not just in the treated areas.

Is everyone a candidate for SculpSure? Schedule a complimentary consultation to find out if Sculpsure can help you reach your goals. Every body is different, but we can work with you to develop a customized treatment plan to reach your desired results.

Wedding Day Prep: What to do to get ready for that big day!

Preparations for a wedding happens long before the actual day and this is especially true for getting the bride ready for her big day. Your skin needs to be at its best and it’s important not to leave this to the last minute.

At Britannia Dermedics, we suggest incorporating skin and body care into your wedding planning well in advance. These are our suggestions of what you can do now to make sure you look and feel your very best when the big day arrives:

  1. Lots of couples decide to hit the gym to slim down and tone their body for the big day. Sometimes, there are areas that are impossible to target. At Britannia Dermedics, we offer body shaping and contouring with our newest SculpSure treatments. These treatments are fast, effective and require no downtime. The treatment safely and effectively breaks down body fat, resulting in a more defined shape. You will need 2-3 treatments, each at 4 weeks apart and full results are seen 8 weeks after your last treatment so this treatment is ideal to start well before your big day.
  2. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be hair free for your wedding and, of course the honeymoon! Laser hair removal is a great alternative to waxing or electrolysis or razors. Treatments deliver permanent hair reduction and can we can treat a wide range of skin types and tones safely and effectively. You will need 8-12 treatments at 6 weeks apart so this is a treatment that should be considered early in order to be ready for your big day.
  3. You want to look your most radiant and youthful on your big day. Regular facials are often not enough. Consider a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment with our top of the line laser technology. The result will be a brighter, more even skin tone.
  4. If you have more serious skin concerns such as acne scarring, stretch marks, or enlarged pores, we offer Venus Viva skin resurfacing treatments. This non-invasive treatment is amazing for improving skin’s texture and tone. Booking 2-3 treatments spaced 30 days apart before your wedding is ideal to ensure your skin is at its best for your big day.
  5. Talk to our injection specialist about reducing wrinkles and restoring volume and fullness to give you a refreshed appearance. At Britannia Dermedics, our specialists can help reduce wrinkles as well as lift and fill the contours of your face to regain your youthful appearance.
  6. Being on a regular routine of a good skin care line is also essential to having the best skin on your big day.

Call us to book your complimentary consultation so we can let you know what treatments we think would be best for you so that you can reach your goals of looking your best on your big day!


We all love buying gifts to show the people in our lives how special they are. By now, a lot of us have made our lists. Is there someone you are forgetting? YOURSELF! Now, is the perfect time to show yourself a little love and treat yourself! Here are some ideas to help you feel your best over the holiday season and into the New Year!

Body Contouring

Planning on overindulging a little on those holiday meals? We all do it and decide to resolve in the new year to have that body we’ve always wanted. Gym memberships and dieting can only go so far! If you want something to help complement your fitness regimen and dieting, our SculpSure fat destruction technology or our Venus Legacy skin tightening device may be perfect for you. We can help you tighten your body shape by targeting fat cells and those challenging spots where most workouts routines and diets fall short.

Radiofrequency Treatments

Winter weather, especially in Calgary, is never easy on your skin and can make your skin appear rough and dull. Winterproof your skin by treating yourself to our radiofrequency anti-aging treatment. These treatments use gentle heat to increase collagen production and elastin levels to visibly make your skin smoother and firmer.

Skin Care

Treat yourself to a customized skin care program. From oily skin to pores to excessively dry skin, no two people have the same skin and that means that products and treatments must be customized. Give yourself the gift of comfort and confidence by talking to an expert about a protocol specifically designed for you.