Don’t Let Menopause Upset Your Amazing Skin
/What’s more fun than dealing with extra-dry skin while you get pimples you haven’t seen since you were in public school? These seemingly polar reactions to your changing hormones require a kind, consistent, but super-simple regime. Menopause–just when you’re on the top of your game against aging skin, this heavy weight champion comes in to knock you down a few pegs. Don’t fret. You and your skin are more capable than ever, and dealing with the one-two punch of menopause on your skin may be more simple than you expect.
Fine lines and wrinkles are part of the aging process, but this doesn’t mean you have to succumb to them - Britannia Dermedics offers a variety of wrinkle and fine line treatments in Calgary.
Your body needs water, and your skin loves it. A decrease in estrogen during menopause can let testosterone affect your pore size. Water will flush out the bad sugars, dirt, and oils that you may be more susceptible to, which aggravate healthy cell production and create extra oil. Dry skin can be caused externally by sun exposure or too much wind, but is typically an indicator of dehydration.
A medical grade cleanser will remove the excess oil from your skin without also drying you.
Use of a light but effective sunscreen is essential to keeping a good relationship with your skin throughout menopause. If your skin is driving you mad, a light protective layer applied at least a few times a day actively works hard to prevent more aging and dry agitation from occurring. Avoid anything too oily as the influence of testosterone during menopause is already adding extra oils.
At night, use a cream that encourages collagen production, such as SkinTx’s Retinol SR Facial Treatment. The decrease of estrogen in menopause causes the skin to sag, as less collagen is being produced. Retinoids prevent collagen breakdown.
Skin care during menopause is a focus on just that–skin care.