Why should I use a primer?

Primers are not just for oily skin. There are many different categories of primer, and all are used to decrease the appearance of lines, tired eyes, or uneven skin colour. Consider the benefits of using a primer, and understand how each kind is working for you. What is a Primer?

A primer goes on first, before foundation, and can be used to even out skin colour where redness is a problem, decrease the look of fine lines, minimize the appearance of pores, or brighten the complexion before adding makeup. Primers improve the application and resilience of foundation and are a barrier between your skin and your foundation. The ideal primer is lightweight and refreshes and hydrates your skin.

What Are the Differences in Primers?


  • There are many, many primers out there, but most fall under a few categories that are aimed for different needs. Some primers brighten the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and containing a pink tint to keep your skin looking (and feeling) hydrated.

Skin Care

  • Some primers contain SPF and focus on moisturizing the skin while creating a barrier between the foundation and your face. Like all good primers, these are ideally non-oily and lightweight, and are used instead of “priming” the face with a moisturizer in the morning, or before makeup application.

Colour Correctors

  • Primers are interesting because they use colour theory to pinpoint and correct the desired area of improvement. A lavender colour will re-liven skin with yellowish tones, while green decreases the uneven appearance of red tones in the complexion.


Some people stay away from silicone because of sensitivity or allergies. If you already use a silicone-based foundation and are happy with it, make sure to pair it with a silicone-based primer so one does not break down the other. There are, however, many silicone-free primers on the market. Whether you are silicone-friendly or silicone-free, remember to look for a primer that is focused on good skin health: hydrating your skin, protecting from the oils and talc in makeup, providing vitamins, and avoiding clogging your pores.

Colorescience Primers

Colorescience Primers are a line of dermatologist recommend primers that focus on sun protection, and avoid any harmful ingredients such as: harsh chemicals, dyes, talc, alcohol, mineral oil, and fragrances. Colorescience uses mineral powders that create a protective barrier between the skin and makeup, keeping the skin clean and hydrated. This is an example of a primer that, no matter what the focus—colour correction, reduction of fine lines, or creating a clean barrier—it is dedicated to keeping skin healthy.